How To Use Pristine

Your Path to Carefree Close Encounters is Here

**Very Important – Please refer to Dr. Kline’s Gargling Guide© below for essential information to assist you with applying the rinses where they can be effective.

Gargle The Pristine Way For Great Results

Why all the Fuss about gargling?

Applying capable ingredients to where they can be most effective is vital to successfully changing your breath. We need to reach the primary source of the problem. The Pristine Gargling Method works because it is precise in delivering products to where they can actually do their job. We are targeting the far back of the tongue (some of which you can’t even see) and deep into the throat (also partially out of sight). See Bad Breath Science > to understand why the areas we are focusing on make so much sense.

Gargling according to our copyrighted instructions and illustrations is critical to the success of the Pristine Breath Care System. A casual gargling effort may deliver only mediocre results.

Targeted Gargling is a foundation to our Breath Improvement System

Here is how we do it

Gargle by tilting your head back and allowing a small amount of liquid to sit in the throat. Air is then released from the lungs, causing the liquid to bubble and undulate throughout the throat and mouth region. Don’t use more than 1/8 oz, that’s two pumps with our bottles.

Gargling the Pristine Way involves alternating between two specific techniques while making particular sounds, AAAHHH and OOOOOO. Images and details are below. It works well to occasionally tip your head down and allow the liquid to fall into your mouth so that a breath of air can be taken through the nose, then tilting back again and resuming the alternating gargles. The amount of time for each gargling effort will be either one minute or thirty seconds, depending on whether you are Cleansing or Maintaining. Explanation is below. It might be best to try this with water first, before using the rinses. A little practice makes things easier.

Dr. Kline’s Gargling Guide ©

Gargle 1:

The “AAAHHHHH” sound.

The rear of the tongue is best reached by sticking it way out and making the “AAAHHHHH” sound. Pretend a doctor is checking your tonsils.


Gargle 2:

The “OOOOOOOO” sound.

The deep part of the throat is best reached by relaxing the tongue, letting it fall back loosely and making the “OOOOOOOO” sound. A low O, like the start of our national anthem, “Oh say can you see.”

It works well to alternate between the two sounds with occasional mouth swishing when a breath of air is taken through the nose.

Pristine Breath Care Instructions ©


This breath changing system includes three rinses. They are first used in sequence as a 3-day Cleanse that requires a little effort. After that a simple once-Daily Maintenance routine is all that is needed. It takes only one minute a day.

Start With A Cleanse

An Initial Cleanse is done for 3 days. The process is performed twice a day (AM and PM) and takes about 3 minutes each time.

Step 1. Gargle two pumps (1/8 oz.) of Bottle 1 (Neutralizer) for 60 seconds each morning and night. It may taste metallic or acidic, but it works well.

Step 2.  Gargle two pumps of Bottle 2 (Cleanser) for 60 seconds each morning and night. It may foam a little and has a poor taste but is an important part of the process.

Step 3.  Shake Bottle 3 (Refresher) gently before use. Gargle two pumps for 60 seconds each morning and night. It tingles of essential oils and has a refreshing aftertaste that lingers.

Most people notice a welcome change after the 3 day cleanse.

Daily Maintenance

Following the 3-day cleanse, sustain your improved breath by performing maintenance once a day. It takes about one minute. You may prefer using it first thing in the morning, as a mid-afternoon refresher, or right before bed.

Step 1. Combine one pump of Bottle 1 with one pump of Bottle 2 and gargle for 30 seconds.

Step 2.  Shake Bottle 3 gently before use and gargle two pumps for 30 seconds.


Enjoy Your Restored Fresh Breath and Confidence!

Don’t cut short the period spent gargling.

Our products need adequate exposure time to be effective.

3-Day Cleanse: gargle each product for 1 minute

Daily Maintenance: gargle products for 30 seconds

If you get our products to the target area, good breath happens!

We know a couple who gargled together for the first time according to our instructions and ended up spitting all over the bathroom mirror because they were laughing at each other so hard. Our technique is a little different, even possibly amusing.

How do I know if the system is working?

A good indicator for many folks is the loss of a “constant sour taste in the back of the mouth”, others find a sense of cleanliness and freshness that seems to correlate with an improved problem.

If you prefer to self- test, the best method is to use a spoon and scrape the very far back of your tongue and smell it. The difficulty with self-testing is a phenomena called habituation or being nose blind. Your sense of smell has gotten used to a continual odor and takes no notice of it.

The best way to test is to have someone else check your breath for you. Dr. Kline didn’t know that he had developed bad breath until his wife informed him and then didn’t know that he had fixed his problem until she made that pronouncement (after 15 years of trying!). It may be awkward, but if you can ask for honest feedback from someone you trust, it is more accurate than trying to test yourself.

How to have a helper test your breath

Keep your mouth closed while breathing normally for 2 minutes. Then inhale deeply through your nose and hold your breath for 15 seconds. Open your mouth widely and gently exhale from deep in the throat. Your helper’s nose should be about 6 inches away from your mouth. Your helper will be able to give you an accurate assessment of your breath quality. Copyright 2020 by Conceicao M, et al. All rights reserved. This is an open access.

Refresh Yourself – Enjoy the Unfolding

“…absolutely love this product…”
V.V. in Chandler, AZ
{I absolutely love this product and felt very informed after speaking with Dr. Kline. He explained things so well and did not make me uncomfortable about my embarrassing breath! I can’t believe I woke up without morning breath. This is a miracle and Dr. Kline is a genius! I don’t feel embarrassed to be intimate with my partner now. Thank you thank you.
“… issues… for years…pursued the doctors…”
E.M. in Kentucky
{This product worked very well for me! My husband checked my breath and said he smelled nothing, even in the morning! I noticed my mouth feeling so much better the first day! I’ve had issues w/ bad breath for years. It seemed like I was the only one in the group that was being offered mints or gum. I’ve been to many doctors and would often get embarrassed and just not go back. I’ve had tonsil stones and had my tonsils removed, I thought that was the culprit (and it did help) but it wasn’t the cure that I had hoped for, my bad breath was still there. The past year and a half I pursued the doctors again, I went to my dentist, family physician, ENT, thoracic-gastro surgeon and had many tests done. In the end I had balloon dilation performed and even though it cured the pressure I had on my chest it did nothing for my breath. I always feel like I have something stuck in the back of my tongue and throat and odor is always there no matter how many times I brush. Although I know that this rinse is not a cure, I can tell you it has given me peace of mind and I’m not so self-conscious anymore. My mouth feels so much better and I’m looking forward to hearing back from you when this product is available. Thank you again! God Bless.
“…struggled…brush multiple times a day…”
JW in Chandler, AZ
{I have struggled with bad breath for many years and still do not understand why. I brush multiple times a day, floss and have never had a cavity. I do know that using this product has helped me with my confidence. I can talk and laugh with confidence around people without being fearful of my breath offending them.
“…huge change…ceased with obsession…”
AJ in UK
{There is no question that I have experienced a huge change in the taste in my mouth-it is really amazing. It has not happened overnight and this may be because I needed to be on your program for longer and I needed to battle the acid reflux too. A perfect example of my improved taste is the fact that for years I have been obsessive about keeping my sinuses clean and eliminating any sort of postnasal drip because as soon as I experienced a drop at the back of my mouth I would have a really bad taste. This does not happen anymore and I have ceased with this obsession! I still take care of my sinuses because I clearly have allergies, but I was keeping them spotlessly clean and think it is obvious that what I was addressing was NOT the source of the problem (I thought the mucus from my nose lasted and smelled bad, but not the case). This does not happen anymore either. Before if I stuck my tongue forward and out of my mouth, I could always taste a stale unpleasant sensation at the back of my throat and mouth – this does not happen anymore. The children have not noticed that my breath is bad in a few weeks either. I am feeling much, much better.
“… I’m kissable.”
RS in Chandler, AZ
{I have suffered bad breath for years and tried everything but nothing worked until now. I had my wife monitor and she said for the first time in a long time I’m kissable. My bad breath is gone. It works! After years of embarrassment I can finally be confident being close to people.
“My wife would let me know…”
LY in Chandler, AZ
{My wife would let me know when my breath wasn’t great, it wasn’t all the time but often enough to make me self-conscious about it. After using the Pristine Breath Care she hasn’t mentioned it once and when I ask her how my breath smells she is happy to report that it either doesn’t smell or smells good!
“…worked almost immediately.”
SJ in Chandler, AZ
{Thank you for the breath treatment. I could tell it worked almost immediately. So, I feel that it has been an excellent process that has taken care of a problem that I suffered from for years. I routinely blow air into my daughter’s and husband’s face to make sure it is working. They don’t like being blown on but they do report they smell the product or nothing at all.
“… struggling for years…”
KW in Iowa
{The breath cleanse worked well for me. My wife said she noticed a significant improvement in my breath. I noticed a change in the dryness of my mouth. I was very satisfied with the results of your product. I have been struggling for years with a dry mouth and bad breath. This product works. I have tried mouthwashes, tongue scrapers, mints, chewing gum and many other things to try to get some results. They only provide short-term results. My wife told me on numerous occasions that my breath was so much better. Thank you for a great product!
“…changed my life…”
CR in Gilbert, AZ
{Dear Dr. Kline: I don’t how to thank you for the breath lessons you taught me! It has changed my life and the comfort of knowing I don’t have that worry any longer being around people! I follow it to a “T”! You are a saint- Love and thanks.
“…ways to gargle…phenomenal results…”
MH in Tempe, AZ
{I have been a long time patient of Dr. Kline but came in for a special consultation for bad breath. Who knew that there were two different ways to gargle properly? I was given three products to try and instructions to take home to remind me of the gargling techniques practiced in his office. You feel very foolish at first, but after one day, two days and then a week of keeping with the routine your mouth and breath feel so clean. A month later, still no complaints from my family members. I encourage anyone with bad breath to visit the office to achieve the same phenomenal results.