Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What makes Pristine Breath Care different?

Our system is unique because we use three separate rinses that are thought to be most beneficial when delivered in a particular order. We recommend starting with a three-day CLEANSE that takes a little time and effort. We target a particular oral region where the science suggests most bad breath originates. This combination of products, sequence and targeted application seems to be especially helpful for those who struggle with stubborn bad breath. Incidentally, it has also been found to be extremely effective for cigar smoker’s breath.

Q: How much time does it take to use?

The initial three-day CLEANSE takes 3 minutes in the morning and 3 minutes in the evening. After that the daily MAINTENANCE takes 1 minute once a day.

Q: How quickly should I notice an improvement?

Most users report a fresh purified sensation after the third day of the CLEANSE.

Q: How long does the Pristine set of bottles last?

It is designed to last 2 months.

Q: Is Pristine Breath Care sold in retail stores?

Not presently and probably not in the future.

Using Pristine

Q: How do you use the three bottles?

For the initial three-day CLEANSE, use the bottles in sequence (1,2,3) by dispensing two pumps (1/8 oz.) and gargling for 60 seconds each, three minutes total. Do this twice a day. For MAINTENANCE, combine one pump of Bottle 1 with one pump of Bottle 2 and gargle for 30 seconds followed by two pumps of Bottle 3 for 30 seconds, a total of one minute, once a day.

Q: Why such a fuss about gargling?

We believe that stubborn bad breath originates in the throat area and at the far back of the tongue. Our unique gargling method targets these locations. The liquids need adequate contact time to be effective so we give guidelines for the duration of gargling that are appropriate for the strength and concentration of our products.

Q: Is 1/8 oz. enough for gargling?

Yes, it is more than enough. It actually is OK to use a little less if you want your supply to last a little longer.

Q: What about using with toothpaste?

We suggest brushing with toothpaste and performing any other routine oral hygiene efforts first before rinsing with Pristine, but reversing the order is probably of minor consequence.

Q: Is it possible to use this too often?

This is a pretty strong potion. We do not advise using it more than twice a day.

Q: The Freshener (Bottle 3) is really potent. Can I dilute it?

If the intensity of the Freshener is too much for you, feel free to dilute with water during the MAINTENANCE phase, but try to use at full strength during the initial 3 day CLEANSE.

Q: I really like the “WOW” of the Freshener. Can I get by just using that for MAINTENANCE?

Possibly so, see how it works for you. We have reports of others trying that with mixed results. Many of them decide that including the Neutralizer and Cleanser delivers a more satisfying “Pristine” experience that they prefer. This is your breath issue so see what makes you happy.

Q: If I miss a few days of use do I have to CLEANSE all over again?

Probably not. Go ahead and just resume the maintenance schedule and see how it goes. You can always do a one, two or three-day CLEANSE if your problem has returned.

Q: After I get better will I have to use Pristine for the rest of my life?

We really don’t know. Some folks are so pleased and relieved that they become committed to daily use to avoid the difficulties of the past. Others seem to fluctuate with their usage. There may be some who experience a “cure” and we just don’t know. We do believe that it is within the realm of possibility as this is a bacteria related problem and bacteria can change.


Q: Why don’t you just put everything into one convenient bottle?

Unfortunately, if mixed, the ingredients will interact over time and become inactive. Also, we believe that there is a benefit to the sequence of use that would be lost if we combined into one. We think that completing an earlier step may make a following step more successful.

Q: How good is the Pristine system for tobacco breath or coffee breath?

It is remarkably, incredibly, amazingly good for cigar breath (and cannabis breath we are told). Impressive coffee breath improvement is reported also.

Q: Does Pristine help with alcohol breath?

It helps a little, but nothing to brag about. The problem is that much of alcohol odor comes from the lungs. The alcohol has been digested and delivered to the blood stream where the odor compounds are removed by the lungs and expelled in the breath along with carbon dioxide. Think Breathalyzer test.

Q: Does this system remedy food breath like garlic?

Kind of helps some. Studies show that initially garlic breath is from compounds in the oral area. These naturally diminish and are of minor significance by about two or three hours later. Our system is moderately helpful for this odor.  The process of digesting garlic produces a smelly molecule, allyl methyl sulfide. This sulfur gas is transported to the lungs via the blood and expelled in the breath. The excretion of this gas often persists in excess of 30 hours. Rinsing doesn’t help here.

Q: I am on a low carb diet and seem to have keto breath. Will Pristine help?

Sorry, it will not. Similar to the explanations above for alcohol and garlic, this originates in the blood where ketones are removed by the lungs and exhaled as waste products of fat burning.

Q: How can I test if the system is working?

A good indicator for many folks is the loss of a “constant sour taste in the back of the mouth”, others find a sense of cleanliness that seems to correlate to an improved problem. The best way is to have someone else test your breath odor for you. This may be awkward, but if you can be comfortable and ask for honest feedback from a trusted other, it is much better than self-testing. The best self- test is to use a spoon to scrape the back of your tongue and then sniffing it. The difficulty with self-testing is a phenomena called habituation or being “nose blind”. Your sense of smell has gotten used to a continual odor and takes no notice of it.   

Q: Will this stop tonsil stones from forming?

Maybe. I could find no studies on prevention of tonsil stone formation other than tonsil surgery. Numerous sources recommend gargling with salt water, but with no actual science to support the advice. An anecdotal observation is that Dr. Kline once had frequent occurrences of these smelly cottage cheese-like nuggets during his days of struggling with chronic bad breath. Since using his good breath system he has had zero episodes. He thinks this is no coincidence. For those who are not familiar with tonsil stones (tonsilloliths), they are firm white or yellow formations ranging in size from a grain of rice to a grape that are found on or within the tonsils. Present in about 7% of the population and considered a possible cause of bad breath, they may or may not be noticeable. If coughed up or otherwise removed and then crushed they smell of the worst bad breath.

Q: Why aren’t you recommending use of a tongue scraper?

We think tongue scrappers are fine. If you like using one please continue. We seem to get excellent results without them. It appears that our unique gargling method and the cleansing properties of our ingredients do an excellent job without adding another chore to your oral hygiene practices.

Q: What about dry mouth?

Dry mouth is a contributing factor to bad breath formation. There are many potential causes including basic lack of hydration, medicine side effects, salivary disorders, anxiety and many others. Pristine Breath Care may not reduce dry mouth, although it may minimize the tendency to bad breath in those with dry mouth.

Q: Can sinus issues be responsible for bad breath?

Yes, studies suggest that as much as 5% of bad breath symptoms are the result of sinus problems. Researchers have a difficult time accurately pin pointing sinus origins of bad breath. You might consider using Pristine Breath Care for a two – month trial. Our gargling method creates droplets and aerosols that likely enter the nasal passage and sinus cavities where they might have a benefit. Sinus irrigation may also prove helpful. Consultation with an ear, nose and throat physician would certainly be appropriate if these measures fall short.

Q: Can removable dentures create bad breath?

Yes they can if bacteria accumulate in sufficient numbers, but this is easily remedied with proper denture cleaning. It is more likely that the cause of the problem is the same as for most folks, originating at the back of the tongue and deep into the throat. Our breath improvement system should do the trick if dentures are kept clean.

Q: Can cavities, gingivitis and gum disease cause bad breath?

Cavities and gingivitis have a very slight incidence of contribution to bad breath.  Gum disease (periodontitis) can certainly be a factor. There is a divergence of opinion about whether gum disease is a frequent major contributor to bad breath. Our observation is that we see many people with excellent gum health who suffer from bad breath issues. It is well to maintain healthy gums and treat any gum disease, but that may not be sufficient to assure good breath.

Ordering and Shipping

Q: Does the shipping package show that it is for bad breath?

No. We use discrete packaging.

Q: What are the shipping charges?

Free shipping on all orders.