“… issues… for years…pursued the doctors…”
E.M. in Kentucky
{This product worked very well for me! My husband checked my breath and said he smelled nothing, even in the morning! I noticed my mouth feeling so much better the first day!
I’ve had issues w/ bad breath for years. It seemed like I was the only one in the group that was being offered mints or gum. I’ve been to many doctors and would often get embarrassed and just not go back. I’ve had tonsil stones and had my tonsils removed, I thought that was the culprit (and it did help) but it wasn’t the cure that I had hoped for, my bad breath was still there. The past year and a half I pursued the doctors again, I went to my dentist, family physician, ENT, thoracic-gastro surgeon and had many tests done. In the end I had balloon dilation performed and even though it cured the pressure I had on my chest it did nothing for my breath. I always feel like I have something stuck in the back of my tongue and throat and odor is always there no matter how many times I brush. Although I know that this rinse is not a cure, I can tell you it has given me peace of mind and I’m not so self-conscious anymore. My mouth feels so much better and I’m looking forward to hearing back from you when this product is available. Thank you again! God Bless.